July is done and hopefully the days will cool off soon! At Yggdrasil, we had a ‘spring clean’ in July and everyone has done a great job of getting rid of items and dinos they don’t need anymore in order to reduce the size of the save files. Literally tens of thousands of dinos were purged and we thank you all for joining in on this community effort! This past weekend we held our monthly Dino Auction and it was nice to see new faces there! There were lots of lovely dinos and we hope everyone enjoyed it. Our Breeding Competition will be held this coming weekend and features the new Shadowmane. We can’t wait to see what our community breeders come up with this month! The following weekend we will hold the popular Dino Market on Ragnarok, so be sure to search through your soul terminals for dinos to bring to the market! We will announce more info this week, so be sure to check Discord. We have also planned an open Community/Admin meeting for this Tuesday so be sure to check Discord for details on that as well. We will cover the current list of suggestions, discuss upcoming events planned for the server and we want to know what you guys are thinking.
For server maintenance this month, we have been rolling out a new plug-in that will help prevent PvE greifing. With the launch of Gen2 we saw a rise is this type of behavior and we want to do what we can to protect our community. With this plug in, other players can no longer drag your body to water and drown you, nor will they be able to loot your corpse. We have also updated the VIP and Gold Lootboxes to include a Chibi Lootbox instead of random chibis. You can see if you have any Chibi lootboxes by typing /lootboxes and you can them open them by typing /lootbox chibi from in-game chat.
A few of the auction dinos!

We also want to recognize all of the wonderful artists we have in our community. Below are some of their drawings that have been recently posted in the Arts and Crafts Discord channel.

Mosa by MayaPatch

Adorable sketch from Aya

Sketch from Ashen Sparrow

Charlie. has another dodo for us!

Void Wyvern for Nemi, created by MayaPatch