August is here and we’re off to a busy start. We held an open Community Meeting where we discussed upcoming server events and changes, went over suggestions and answered questions from the members in attendance. One of the more popular topics was the opening up of The Center map to the rest of the cluster, while still retaining its uniqueness with Immersive Taming, Animals of Atlas and Marnii Horse mods. We are always happy to hear from everyone and we get a lot of great suggestions from our community members, so keep them coming! We’ve also just finished our Breeding Competition featuring the lovely Shadowmane. We had alot of beatutiful entries and it was really hard to decide which ones were the winners. Thank you all our breeders in the community for participating.
Our winners are pictured below
3rd place – I Have Bad Aim (far left)
2nd place – DannYY (center)
1st place – Gunter/Lora (far right)

We also have these additional winners below
People’s Choice – Aya (on the left)
Honorable Mention – Thunderclap (on the right)

This coming weekend (Aug 13 – 15) we will have our popular Dino Market where members of the community gather to sell and trade dinos. This time it will be held on Ragnarok at 36.5/23.0 and we are looking forward to seeing all of the great dinos for sale! Following the Dino Market, we will be launching our first Building Competition server. Be sure to watch Discord for more information on this super fun event! Meanwhile, the admins are hard at work planning events for the next few months.
We are looking forward to a great month with our community. We are blessed with a diverse, vibrant, fun, helpful and friendly group of folks at Yggdrasil which makes this the best place to make your ARK home!