We’ve kicked off February with a super fun Rare Tames event this past weekend where high level Rare and Super Rare dinos would spawn across the maps. Everyone had great fun tracking these down and taming the Rares and killing the Super Rares for some nice loot drops. This time around the rares spawned with names taken from our VIP members and some of the names were very funny! Photos were posted in Discord where we had a drawing of 5 random pictures and the owner of the photo received a gold loot box. We are already looking forward to the next Rare Tame event! Here are a couple of the rare tames.

The Love Evolved event is now active so head on out across the maps and see what you can find! There are lots of nice colors to be found and even if you find a low level, tame it and you can bring it to the dino market! After the Love Evolved event is over, we will be holding a Dino Market event which is always popular. We are hoping to bring you a special market this time where you can trade/sell dinos from all maps, even the specialty ones like the liquid dinos from Crystal Isles or the Animals of Atlas from the Center. More news to follow!

Our new Discord is up and running so be sure and click the Discord link above to join us!

For the next few posts, we’re going to talk about things you can do at Yggdrasil, like breeding, building, caving, etc. For this post, we are going to introduce you to breeding here on our cluster.

Breeding at Yggdrasil

Breeders make up a large part of our community at Yggdrasil. We have selected breeding and equipment settings to help you achieve that super awesome line of dinos you have always dreamed of. Beginning with your search for the perfect base pair, we use the Awesome Spyglass mod that will show you the stats before you tame a dino so can find just the right stats to get started. We don’t give you a gimped down spyglass or nerf the settings and hide the stats from you. Our 3x taming rates (4x on the weekend) mean you aren’t standing around for hours to tame a dino. If you enjoy Immersive Taming, we have that available on several maps as well. If you’re more of a more down-to-business kind of person and don’t enjoy hunting for hours for a starter pair, we do offer some Breeder Starter Kits on our F5 Shop page. For a small donation you can get a breeding starter kit that includes a pair of perfect tames (only available for certain dinos/random stats) plus some equipment that will help you get started in your breeding endeavors.

Once you get started breeding, we have the SS Cloning Chamber and SS Mutators available with a greatly reduced element cost so you won’t go broke. You can also stack 3 mutator pulses to get an 8 point stat boost so it won’t take you long to progress on your stat mutations. We also don’t artificially cap your dinos at some random level – you can mutate up to 254/255 points in each stat if you want to take that on as a challenge. Our rates allow you to make the best use of your time while still requiring some effort with 10x hatching speed (5x faster if you use the SS Hatchery), a lower mating interval which is generally about 2 hours max between matings and 6x maturing (8x on the weekends) for the babies.

We also offer lots of other equipment (un-nerfed) to help you with your breeding program – an SS Hatchery with extra slots to collect and incubate your eggs, the SS Egg Incubator so you can select and filter out which eggs you want to hatch, a Dino Storage terminal with an automated baby pick-up mode to collect and orb up your newly born/hatched babies (no more babies stuck under the mesh), a fully functional SS Nanny that will imprint and raise your babies and extra slots with advanced search capability on the Dino Storage terminals to help you keep your bloodlines safely orbed, organized and stored away. If you need any help getting started, several of our breeders have written breeding guides for the community to help share their knowledge and these are available on our website.

Some of the events we hold that may be of interest to breeders are our Dino Auction, Breeding Competition and Boss Event Map. At the Dino Auction you can buy and sell some really nice dinos to supplement your breeding program. At the Breeding Competition you can show off your best bred color combinations and at the Boss Event, you can test your max stat dinos against special, high difficulty level bosses. We hope to see you all soon with some great bred out dinos! Several of our breeders have shared some screenshots of their breeding areas and breeds below:

These are some lovely breeds from Ryu:

This is an efficient breeding area shared by Miston for breeding shadowmanes, ferox and rexes, all within range of the mutators.

Here are some nice breeds from Vor along with one of his breeding areas. Vor has also written a helpful breeding guide that can be found on our forums.

Breeds from Milton

This is an efficient breeding area shared by Miston for breeding shadowmanes, ferox and rexes, all within range of the mutators.

Breeds from Vor

Here are some nice breeds from Vor along with one of his breeding areas. Vor has also written a helpful breeding guide that can be found on our forums.

Breeds from iab7

iab7 also has some very nice dino lines, here’s one of his maxed out breeds.

Toger Setup

Toger has been working on mosas with a nice setup:

As you can tell, our community loves to breed and they are very knowledgable and willing to answer questions for anyone just starting out. We hope you will try your hand at breeding and see what you can come up with! Next post will feature all of our building options and some nice bases that can be found around the cluster!