Fall is here and we’ve been busy again at Yggdrasil! If you are here searching for a new Ark home, we hope you stay and look around abit as we have a very large, active community. You won’t find dead maps here as there is always someone hopping about or some activity going on. With our cross Ark chat, you can talk with anyone on any map in our cluster, including your friends on Discord. You can click the link to the left to join our Discord where there is always someone to chat with. We usually average around 30 – 40+ people on across our cluster during peak times, with Fjordur being one of the current favorite maps. We have all of the official maps, all of the free DLC maps, a custom Boss Event map and our own custom Event map. We also have a separate Ark Omega mini-cluster running on Fjordur and Valguero maps.
We don’t just boast about having ‘epic’ hardware – we have it! Our cluster runs on a server rack at a data center in London on two AMD Ryzen 5950X 5.0Ghz processors with 128 GB Ram and 2 x 1TB Nvme PCIE 4 drives each with a 10Gbps connection. We own our hardware too so we are able to run plugins and databases to manage our servers effectively and keep our maps clean. As always, we appreciate the support from our VIP subscribers and others who donate to help keep the servers running. Thank you all!
Every few months we hold a breeding competition where survivors try to breed the best looking color combination for a creature selected by the community. This past month we held our breeding competition featuring the Desmodus. We had some lovely entries and the following survivors submitted the winning entries:
1st place – Drunk
2nd place – ace_ventura
3rd place – Gunter
Honorable Mention – Deadine
Peoples Choice – Hazel
Here’s a screenshot of the winning entries:

Our new Event Map ‘Haven’ is ready as well and it’s beautiful! Thank you so much to Charlie and Claireabell for this wonderful map! The picture above is the new breeding competition area and I’ve included some pictures below of some other areas on the map. We have a beautiful new Yggdrasil tree that glows at night and our custom Yggdrasil logo is displayed around the map. We will begin transitioning our events to be held on this new map so be sure to watch Discord.

Also located on the new Event map is our new Auction House area! Ashen Sparrow has been working hard to get the new Auction House set up and it’s looking great! It features a large open air auction area with two viewing levels.

It even includes a new underwater viewing area for water creatures that are up for auction.

We wound up October with a Halloween decorating contest and had some amazing entries. It was really fun to see all the builds and I’ve included some pictures from each of the winning builds below. I tried to get them with the best light, but some are a bit dark.
The Winners
Congratulations to:
1st Place – @Reznor
2nd Place – @Elsa
3rd Place – @Vashtilyris[Corrupt]
Runner Up – @Toger
Runner Up – @ace_ventura
1st Place
Playernames: Reznor
Map: Ragnarok
Entry Name: Paranormal Activity

2nd Place
Playernames: Elsa
Map: Ragnarok
Entry Name: Spooky Hollows

3rd Place
Playernames: Vashtilyris
Map: Valgero
Entry Name: The Dead of Night

Runner Up
Playernames: Toger
Map: Fjordur
Entry Name: Catto Cove’s Creepy Corn Catastrophe

Runner Up
Playername: cornholio (ace_ventura)
Map: Aberration
Entry name: Overlook Hotel

We have more activities planned for the fall and holidays, so be sure to keep an eye on Discord! We’re glad you stopped by for a visit and look forward to seeing you in-game!